design improves our cities.
thoughtful evolution of cities through design.
The Brookings Institute published an article recently about a design initiative in Baltimore to rethink cityscapes.
Investing in $1.5M in small businesses, the city of Baltimore initiated a design competition to encourage new ideas for reconfiguring public spaces. Of the 162 submissions, 10 were selected and published.
I am excited to see cities taking such an active role in redesigning their spaces. In 2018, I ripped the above page out of an industry magazine, inspired by the pedestrian alley that was activated by smaller spaces and colorful art.
How is your city stepping up to attract the next generation?
One of my favorites for the Baltimore design competition was the MicroDistrict by Yard & Company, @Access, Joe Nicok, Kevin Wright and Bobby Boone. Maybe the most expensive of all the options, but its amazing what can be created in such a small area. A library stand, something I first saw on a trip to Seattle. The screen with storage for outdoor viewings of sporting games or concerts would be a great attraction.
Call me a hippie all you want, the letters on the street say it all. How can one walk down the street and not feel joy here? Craig Stoner and Terri Wu of EDSA created this engaging streetscape closed to vehicular traffic to provide a promenade with murals and parklets for people to gather.
How is your city bridging outdoor space for human centered design?