1 year, 12 months, 365 days of Hard Work
When I recap my first year with terra alma, the phase “time flies when you’re having fun” comes to mind. - Michaela Boone
Not to say that things have always been fun (my increasing eye bags are here to prove it), but overall, I absolutely love being a broker. I get overwhelmed with a feeling of fulfillment when I find the “perfect match” for my clients. Deep down I am proud that I have played a role in enhancing a person, family, or business’ trajectory. I have developed a true passion for retail leasing that makes all of the hard days worth it. I have met so many amazing people who have shared such powerful stories with me, and that is what fuels me to grind every day.
In addition to growing professionally, I have also grown personally. I have developed a skill for being kind, but firm. I crave respect over popularity, and I have learned to be creative so that I don’t always have to take “no” for an answer. I have also changed my dining and spending habits, as I now understand how difficult it is to be a successful small business. I love all my national clients, but there is something extremely special about shopping local/small. My local clients are my heartbeat.
Lastly, this past year has truly made me fall in love with the city of Atlanta. I have lived in many different cities, but ATL is so unique. There are so many budding and established entrepreneurs following their dreams. The diversity of people that surround me has truly developed me into a more open-minded and well-rounded individual. And last but certainty not least….. the FOOD! I have eaten so much amazing food and met so many inspiring chefs in the last year that it amazes me. While I may never be able to eat at every restaurant in the city, I am happy to die trying.