we can’t take all the credit. there’s a significant amount of gratitude we have for our professional partners, the ones who round out our team:


Lease and Contract Negotiations

Jennifer Gourley  - jgourley@glg-legal.com

Jason C. Aufdermaur -678-753-7559 - jason@wa.legal

Diane Lidz - 404-932-7790 - diane@lidzlaw.com


Kimberly Jackson - kjackson@MFLLaw.com


Tim Vaccaro - Placemaker Design - 404.549.4499 x3101 - tvaccaro@placemakerdesign.com

Neil Waddle - Terminus Design Group -  502.592.4949 nwaddle@terminusdesigngroup.com

Eric Bethany, AIA - Lineweight Studio - 843.330.3890 - www.lineweightstudio.com - 

Leslie Ellsworth - Studio SOGO - 404.512.6487 - leslie@studiosogo.com


Emma Flynn - Commoner Design Co - 407-463-7978 - www.commonerdesign.co/ -    


Social Media

Resto EXP - Agustin Von Simson - 470-234-8654 - Agustin@restoexp.com

Bites & Bevs Media - Madelynn  - Bitesandbevsmedia.com - info@bitesandbevsmedia.com  

Grub Freaks - Caroline Schaefer - - (513) 498-9393 - grubfreaks.com


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