5 Benefits of Investing in Commercial Real Estate
When people think about Commercial Real Estate (CRE), they imagine well-seasoned investors with big portfolios snatching up any available space and renting them out to major corporations. The truth of the matter is even the most novice of investors can break into this market and will find it more profitable than they had anticipated. Thanks to online markets, anyone can become an investor in real estate, and here are five of the benefits to giving CRE a try:
1) Profit
The first reason why anyone decides to become an investor is the promise of profit. Return on commercial investments will be faster with the having rental income, and because it’s a business occupying the space the amount due can be increased higher than what it would be if it was residential. Make sure to offer any possible extra amenities to help entice potential tenants. In the retail real estate world, many owners offer rent abatement or tenant improvement allowance to entice tenants.
3) Less Risk
Commercial real estate tends to be the least volatile of them all. Most owners strike five to ten year long leases to ensure Tenants remain on the property for several years or longer. This can help with financial security regardless of what the economic landscape looks like in the future.