Empowering Women in Culinary Arts: A Day of Learning at Comfort Farms

Women in Restaurants recently hosted an inspiring farm day at Comfort Farms. Located in Milledgeville, Georgia, Comfort Farms serves as a therapeutic retreat for veterans and is renowned for its commitment to sustainable agriculture. Nana’s Chicken-N-Waffles and terra alma sponsored the event, marking a day rich with education, hands-on activities and community bonding.

Attendees experienced an immersive day at the farm, learning essential planting and harvesting techniques. The participants, all members of Women in Restaurants, took part in gardening activities, such as repotting seedlings—a simple yet profound way to connect with the earth.

Edie Weintraub, co-founder of Women in Restaurants and President of terra alma, captured the essence of the experience: “Digging in the dirt is far more than a simple act of gardening; it's a profound connection to the Earth that nourishes both our bodies and souls.”

The founder of Comfort Farms, Army veteran Jon Jackson, shared insights into his journey and the therapeutic programs offered through his nonprofit, Stag Vets Inc. Since 2014, the farm has been a sanctuary where veterans heal and find purpose post-service through agriculture. Jackson discussed the cultivation of heirloom vegetables and heritage livestock, emphasizing the importance of understanding the origins of our food.

An integral part of the event was the dialogue about sustainable farming and its benefits for personal well-being, community health and environmental stewardship. Jackson, alongside Laurel Elliott, prepared a sumptuous dinner for the group, using fresh produce and meats directly from the farm, underscoring the message of farm-to-table sustainability.

Women in Restaurants continues to be pivotal in mentoring and supporting women in the culinary field. Those interested in learning more about this empowering organization can visit https://www.womeninrestaurants.com/ or https://www.linkedin.com/company/women-in-restaurants/.

Comfort Farms is a haven for Veterans, helping them get back on their feet and reintegrate into family, society and the economy. Using agro-cognitive behavioral therapy and time-tested natural approaches, they learn skill sets in the farming industry that integrate economic profitability, environmental stewardship and healing. For more information, visit the Comfort Farms Facebook Page.


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